Product class

Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

  • Visitors:
  • Time:2021-08-11
  • Publisher:Golden Phoenix
  • Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

      Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine: fruit, vegetables, seafood packaging boxes; Glassware, furniture packaging; Decorative ceiling, corner line; Lost mold casting; The drain; Etc.

      Продукция, производимая автоматической машиной для формования упаковки: фрукты, овощи, коробки для упаковки морепродуктов, стеклянная посуда, упаковка для мебели, декоративные потолки, уголки, литье по потерянной пене, отбеливание водой и т. Д.


    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Products produced by automatic EPS packaging and forming machine

    Tel: 15032073555 / 15032837668 / 18932912216

    Email: /

    Add: Nanlv Industry Region,Xinji City,Hebei Province (The distance from Beijing Airport is 300Km,and from Shijiazhuang Airport is 50Km)

    Copyright © Xinji Golden Phoenix Industrial and Trade Co, Ltd.